In general, alang alang is seen as the eyes of unused plant or shrub including alang alang but actually have property and other uses.
In the medium to grow in the medium up to a height of 2700 m dpl, in areas open or half closed; swamps; on the ground with aerasi good; in the regions that opened out; the river bank; extensive secondary forest on; former burn area; as weeds in field; gardens and plantations. Plants, this can affect other plants cultivate, because the needs of the relatively high natrium. Multiplication: multiply by itself. Each time rimpang harvested from plants that have been cooked. Rimpang good pale color, taste sweet and cool. Reed can cause a decrease in soil pH. The amount of decrease in pH and obstacles to the process nitrification indicate the existence of a positive correlation with the growth of reed.
Usability and alang alang property is:
Only the root (rimpang) used for treatment
As solvent urine:
49 fruit rimpang dry, cut-pieces and then added with 2 glasses of water and boil until the volume of water 1 cup live, filtered, and then drink 2 times a day.
Fever due to dispose of bloody urine:
1 spoon full rimpang reed, boiled with some pliers cut kwe (pulp beligu half-baked confection made dry) in two water glass until half-lives. Water is drunk 2 glasses 1 day. Urine will be normal and the body temperature down.
Drinking water stew alang alang roots as a tea.
source: iptek.com